Everybody should have access to good food. Everybody values community. Your Local Pantries provide both – and more.  

Pantries stock an abundant and wide range of top-quality food including fresh fruit and veg, frozen and chilled food, meat and dairy products, and long-life tinned and packaged food. Members pay a small subscription of a few pounds a week, and in return can choose groceries worth many times more, often saving over £1,000 a year on shopping bills.

Pantries are just like a shop, in that you choose the food you want from the shelves. Pantries are run by uniformed staff and volunteers who manage the stores with hand-held technology.

Each Pantry also has a cherished role as a neighbourhood hub, often serving as a springboard to other initiatives and ideas, such as cookery classes, volunteering opportunities, and training.

Now and again, Your Local Pantry needs a top-up of fresh, frozen or seasonal food. If you want to top up the Pantry when something is needed, but hasn’t been donated, you can. To make a donation today, just select your nearest Pantry, and choose whether it will be a regular donation or a one-off.

Which Pantry would you like to support?

Not sure which Pantry to support? To find your nearest Pantry see our Pantry map and listings. Or, if you'd like to support the whole network, just choose the 'network' option at the top of the dropdown menu.
(A note: We're sorry, but while we manage a time of rapid expansion, some Pantries will not be included in the Friends scheme. We'll expand the system as soon as we have the capacity to manage it.)